Construction, Budget Update, Canvassing, Planning
by Gary Hyman, President
& Neil Duboff, Campaign Chair

August 24, 2022

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to report that stage one of the renovations is underway, with fencing and equipment onsite to begin asbestos removal, roof replacement, and replace the shul’s HVAC system. It is exciting to see things kicking into high gear on the construction end!

At its meeting on Monday, August 15th, the Shaarey Zedek Board of Directors met to review various changes to the floor plans, which they approved except for two issues that require further consideration, specifically the ceiling design in the Sanctuary and Social Hall (Auditorium), and Office layout. In the meantime, the board approved an adjusted capital cost of $16 million (previously $14 million). The increase is primarily attributable to inflation, but also includes the addition of a daycare centre, and other changes not initially contemplated (ex. the dumb waiter is not operational and requires replacement). In addition, it was determined that the labour and methods required to refurbish the existing pews would be more expensive than purchasing new pews, so the decision was made to replace them. Our existing pews will go up for sale – if you are interested in purchasing any, please email

We have raised over $9.06 million of our now $16 million target goal! Todah Rabah, thank you, to those who have contributed, and those working to raise these funds. Click here to visit the campaign website to see all who have confirmed their support. We have not yet reached most of our members but that’s okay, the capital campaign will be underway for many more months. We are looking for canvassers to either work independently or as part of a telethon later in the Fall. If you are willing and can pick a couple of names that you would be comfortable speaking to regarding the capital campaign, it would be greatly appreciated – reach out to our Capital Campaign Manager, Jodi Novak, noted below.

As reported in June, over the summer we have worked with Ken Goldstein of The Goldstein Group who is helping us develop a business strategy. We are happy to report that in the early Fall we will be in touch with our membership to participate in the next phase of this process. Our goal is to affirm our identity and role in the community, and to create clear business and financial goals, while optimizing our operations.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jodi Novak, Capital Campaign Manager, at or 204-452-3711. You may also want to check out our FAQ section on our website.

Our next member update is schedule for the end of September, just before High Holy Days.

Thank you for your continued interest and support.

Gary Hyman

Neil Duboff
Capital Campaign Chair