Our synagogue – our Shaarey Zedek plays a unique role in the landscape of our Jewish life. There is no other institution as important for the significant moments of your life as our synagogue – from baby naming, bar / bat mitzvahs, weddings and funerals.
As members of Shaarey Zedek we want the future — ours and our children’s — to be profoundly influenced by our Jewish faith and values.
The last time our congregation undertook a major renovation of the synagogue was many decades ago. In the intervening time, our building has continued to age, we require asbestos remediation, we need repairs or replacement of our roof, and our heating ventilating and air conditioning systems need to be replaced.
The pandemic has emphasized the need to be part of a community. Online programming doesn’t fulfill all needs. Zooms don’t accomplish the same thing as sitting side by side in prayer and song. Despite the ongoing health crisis and financial fears, we must look at the future for our synagogue as a time of opportunity. One thing’s for sure: Things will not be as they were before the coronavirus. We need a more welcoming, flexible, revitalized and technologically modernized space.
To achieve these goals, the Board of your Synagogue has launched the L’Dor VaDor Capital Campaign.
This is an ambitious aspiration — but no less so than the one held by those who had the foresight and courage to create the home we have today. In every generation, Jews — our members — have stepped up to meet the opportunities and challenges of the hour. We have benefitted from those who have come before us. As stakeholders in a shared tradition, it is now time for our generation to take the next step. Our objective is to address the needs of today while preparing for those of the future.
Our aspirations are about more than bricks and mortar… they are about paving the way for our synagogue’s future. We hope to ensure a dynamic congregation for years to come…. by building on what we have achieved so far. This ambition, to strengthen our Judaism within ourselves and share it with others, has fueled our vision for building the future.
We ask that you think of the many years ahead for you and future generations. We seek broad participation in this campaign. By coming together as a community, we know that we can achieve our goals.
Neil Duboff
L’Dor Va Dor Capital Campaign